5 Best Practices for a Successful Hybrid Cloud InfrastructureThe hybrid cloud has emerged as a popular option for businesses looking to adopt cloud infrastructure. Combining both internal private...
Four Key Components of Any Digital TransformationDigital transformation is the integration of new technologies that promote a complete assessment of a company's products, services,...
Experience Counts in B.I.Do you know what your business should be measuring? If you said “no,” you're not alone. 54% of businesses say that BI is essential to...
Why Lenders Need Custom Data ModelsIt’s a fact. A mortgage loan demands more data than almost every other consumer financial transaction. And the data required to get a...
It's Not Teams...It's UsI hear it over and over again: "I hate Microsoft Teams." As the COO of a company that does a lot of Microsoft Teams consulting, I feel...
Building Efficiencies in Mortgage Operations Through ScoringFor all the innovation and digitization we have seen over the past decade, Loan origination costs have climbed precipitously while...